Calibration of Enery Meter
We have facility for calibration of 3-phase & 1-phase energy meter by online and offline method.
Types of calibration –
Online – On Consumer load (No need to take shutdown)
Offline – Applied the voltage – current by electronic source then we will check the accuracy at different- 2 load points with power factor.
Oorja Technical Services offers comprehensive calibration services at its permanent lab as well as on-site for calibration of energy meter. Various utilities and Private companies need periodic calibration of energy meter and correct accounting of energy meters. OTSPL is regularly calibrating of Static Energy Meters of various companies like Secure Meters Limited, Genus Power Infrastructure, L&T, Elster.
Calibration of Power/Energy Reference Meter-
We have facility for calibration of 3-phase & 1-phase energy meter calibrators, Reference standards and power meters, power quality analyzer.
Periodic calibration for various reference standards is essential for quality assurance and reliability. Oorja Technical Services offers comprehensive calibration services at its permanent lab as well as on-site for various AC power/energy measurement. OTSPL is regularly calibrating of Precision Static power/Energy Standards like ZERA, Radian, MTE, Secure Meter (Accucheck), Signal and Systems India, Fluke power analyzer, Krykard, Yokagawa, Hioki etc.