Transformer Oil filtration
Transformer oil filtration is most important activity in electrical power industry, to Maintain the Transformer asset. It prevents transformer from failure and breakdown. Oorja Technical services Pvt Ltd is a Service provider in Electrical power industry and Serving the required quality services of maintenance of transformer.
To increase the life of Transformer it is very important to assure regular Transformer oil filtration to remove dissolved moisture content, sludge, and gases impurities. We have a fine-tune resource and capability of manpower to deliver service at all over India.
Our team is serving dedicated services in various dedicated locations. Apart of oil filtration also serving transformer oil testing, Cable testing, oil purification, Circuit breaker testing, Earth pit testing and so on.
We associated with many contractors to serving each area industry and having in lab of on-site facility to calibrate Electrical power industrial equipments like Power analyser, Energy meter, Multifunction meters, clamp meter, frequency meter and so on.